Biến tần ACU401-15-FA Active Cube Series

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Biến tần ACU401-15-FA Active Cube Series

  • 34
  • Bonfiglioli
  • ACU401-15-FA
  • Liên hệ

The Bonfiglioli Active Cube series is designed to enable you to maximize the opportunities in machine automation. Extensive motor controls and functionality allow Active Cube to be used in the design of effective and easy automation solutions for a wide variety of industrial machinery and plants. Outstanding performance in terms of accuracy and response time put Active Cube in the high technology end of the Bonfiglioli Vectron drives range. Active Cube includes many features making it suitable for universal use, both as an effective "System drive", and also as a "Servo drive", able to fulfil the requirements of the majority of motion control applications.



Manufacturer: Bonfiglioli

Series: Active Cube

Model: ACU401-15-FA

Application: general purpose

Capacity, kW: 3

Current, А: 7.8

Main power supply, V: 380-480

Phase: 3

Enclosure: IP 20

Overload capacity, % per 1 min.: 150

EMC filter: +

Braking unit: +

RS485 (Modbus RTU): +

PID: PI - controller

Vector control with feedback: +

Sensorless vector control: +

Operation temperature, °С: 0.....+40

Storage temperature, °С: 0.....+40

Dimensions (W x H x D), mm: 60x250x175

Weight, kg: 1,6

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